Orla Kiely Dee Dee Red Mug


Code OOK171

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Product Information

Renowned for her retro-inspired patterns, playful approach to design, and hailed by many as the 'Queen of Prints', Orla Kiely champions the very best of 1970s styling. Her signature retro style has become instantly recognisable as a household name.

Delivery Info

Goods are shipped using a courier service and will be delivered within 2-5 working days (not including

the day on which the order was placed). Product sold on the DanFitzgeralds.com website have an estimated shipping ttime. Products are subject to availability. We endeavour to deliver to the times specified, however on rare occasions delays may occur which are outside of our control. If your ordered product is not available we will contact you with an expected delivery date. Please note that items sold online will only be delivered to the address specified on your order. 

Returns Policy

If you're not completely happy with an item, we will give you a refund, provided that it's returned to us in its original condition & all original packaging not removed, unworn, unwashed, and with all labels intact. Please note that in the interests of hygiene hats, lingerie, hosiery, men’s underwear, jewellery, bath mats, duvets, mattress protectors and pillows cannot be returned once the packaging has been opened or damaged, unless faulty. All items returned must be in their original condition. Watches and jewellery cannot be altered in any way. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if goods are not returned in a saleable condition. Nothing in these conditions affects your statutory rights as a consumer. 

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